Axercise Powered by TimberJacks


Dave is the MD at TimberJacks Clubs and the visionary behind Axercise. With his extensive experience spanning 20 years in both forestry and retail, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his role. Currently, Dave focuses on developing and overseeing TimberJacks' various activities that are conducted nationwide throughout the UK.

However, recently there has been a personal development in Dave's life as he received a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. In an effort to reverse this condition, he has decided to utilise Axercise as part of his weight loss journey. By incorporating this innovative approach into his weekly routine, Dave hopes to improve his overall health and well-being while managing the challenges posed by diabetes effectively. Since his diagnosis he has lost a massive 3 stone in weight.


Matt is the resident personal trainer who grapples with an axe swinging addiction. Despite his struggle, he remains dedicated to his role and brings a level 3 qualification as a testament to his knowledge and expertise in fitness. Whether you seek guidance for your physical well-being or nutritional advancement, Matt is readily available to lend a hand.


Chris (left) is our support man at Axercise and has a genuine enthusiasm for axes. He dedicates the majority of his time to assisting at festivals with the mobile axe throwing team at TimberJacks, but developed a fondness for Axercise from its inception.

Chris demonstrates a firm commitment to promoting mental wellbeing and promptly recognised the positive impact that Axercise provides in terms of its mental health benefits.

He's a gentle giant and one of the friendliest guys you could ever meet.